Tuesday, 23 October 2012

The history of the Diocese of Ruwenzori cannot be complete without the political one, at that time the kingdom reign, because the two are synonymous. Toro was once a province of the great Bunyoro-Kitara Empire. Around 1822 (19th Century) Prince Kabayo Olimi 1, son of then King Kyebambe Nyamuturukura 111 of Bunyoro rebelled against his father, on advice from Batoro who were tired of the great journey to Bunyoro where they had to pay homage and present taxes and gifts to the King. Toro Kingdom was born especially after King Nyamutukura did not pursue or fight to regain this territory because he loved his Prince Kaboyo very much and did not want to harm him(his story is almost similar to that of David and his rebellious son, Absolom in the Bible-though in the later case the son was killed against his father’s wish). King Kaboyo Olimi 1 ruled for 38 peaceful years and died in 1860 and was succeeded by his son, Kazaana Duhaga whose rule was cut short after four years through assassination and take over by his borther, Nyaika, for more visit our website: www.ruwenzoridiocese.com